
Sanguis Dracones (Coven)

With tears in our eyes, we say our goodbyes, to the raggedy man.....
Set at 22:41 on December 26, 2013

Vampire Rave member for 14 years.

Status:  Diabolist (91.75)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Sanguis Dracones (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  Hidden
Age:  Hidden

The Lost Eden



Bite LadyRoslineDrake

Stalk LadyRoslineDrake


"The world is changed. I taste it in the water. I feel it into the earth. I smell it in the air"

My previous coven, which I truely enjoyed and loved all the people there


I am Lady Rosline Drake, a once proud Queen of the Lost Eden...but now


I am just the Eldest of All Dragon-kind, the first of my kind.


The one with the longest memory...To remember each day of peace and every moment of war in my time. I have lost many friends in battle, by age and plague. But I held steady for my people and protecting the long lost Eden and its most sacred treasure...The Tree of Knowledge.


But there were those who wished its fruit, the demon Lucifer and his two generals.... Namaah and Baal. The first war for the tree, was bloody, but Eden won with the aid of Twelve Angel's that had lived on the lands.


In the pause in between the First and Second War, an elf was found, tainted by Baal's twisted experiments, he didn't even remember his name. Just know...he was called Icarus. With him I raised three children, the first child, was Atlissa, the Demoness Namaah's child.


Atlissa was a fine warrior, cunning and skilled with a mace and axe. She came to me for refuge from her deranged mother, which I granted. At first, she was a solider and a source of information; but as time passed I grew to care for her...Icarus and me soon after declared her our first child... the celebration...was marvelous..

The second child, was born from my womb while Icarus was still tainted by the experiments, she was named Shadow gaining much of her father's appearances and abilities.

drow photo: Drow Female untitled7.jpg

Shadow was quiet unless she was in a war room, helping to plan out strategies that would allow her to get behind enemy lines to kill important targets or rescue others....Now she lays to rest in a sarcophagus with in my cavern home away from Eden...

The third, was Fae,she was conceived many months
after Icarus's body was purified by the angels, giving her a pure appearance along with my beauty.


She was kind and thoughtful, allowing her to be the greatest marksman in my whole army, able to shoot the wings off a butterfly from miles away.

But...perhaps all good things are destine to end in horrifying ways... because my love for Icarus blinded me horribly...I didn't suspect the trap laid by Lucifer. Which I discovered to late after a spy was captured...brought to Icarus and I...like all... was my undoing... the trap sprung and my King's blade slicing my arm sent me spinning away.

I managed to escape the blade, and run from the prison to the palace to retrieve my blade...to see that my palace was under siege.


In the courtyard, Fae's line was taken by those advancing into the palace grounds, I rushed through the halls looking for the enemy that had been in plain sight all along...The ambush along the way, claimed Atlissia's life, protecting me from him. I found...that I could not raise my blade to my husband's neck...so I ran from him again..in search of my last child...In turn..causing her death as well...

And then my life came to an end...with my last breaths I watched Lucifer crash through the sky light above me...I felt the Grim go to help me to my feet...

But my work was not yet done, the survivers found me, the last elders poured their lives into me to revive me.


But...then I left...

I for a long time, languished in sorrow and self hatred as I guarded my home from the Mortal Realm, guarding other treasures amongst my horde of Knowledge and precious things...

The Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant are amongst my horde some where...I have more tombs then scrolls in the library of Alexandria are here as well....

I found little comfort in other arms after Icarus's betrayal, finding myself distance from everyone and thing... but..in search of more things to add to my horde, I met the man, Caine. For awhile he and I simply consoled each other, I helping him with things in his grand city, and he with the ways of the world...


However, Caine and I's affection for each grew and for a short time, we were lovers. But...


I had duties to attend in Eden....and I had to leave...only to find my kingdom in yet another war...


It was many, many years before I returned to the Mortal realm...only to find Caine and his City gone in a great flood... Grief took me again and I hid within my cavern home in solitude.

But in another search...a token was taken of importance to a being brought him to me. We shared our stories and a bond formed...however...his name...will be mine to know...and to keep to myself.


But this male, he opened my mind, woke me from the stupor that I had existed in for so long...I even went back in time to see someone...and I was there in history for fifty years...but only gone a month in the male's time...



For only a day, he and I conversed after my return. Greatly saddened as I was...I knew I had to leave...and I did.


Back through the portal to Eden, only to find that my home had been ravaged by a deadly plague, unleashed after the death of Namaah's child, Demonica...


I gathered the last of the survivors, and asked the Lord of the Land of the Rave...allowing the races to go there or scatter amongst the mortal realm... Then I stayed, going through the land with the intent to burn the Lost Eden to ash. But not till I saw everything for the last time...

This is where I meet....Tiomate.


At the base of the tree I found him bent down in silent pray, it didn't take me long to figure out that I was looking at an angel. And after words were exchanged, I broke down into tears, thinking that long ago my creator had abandoned me.


I will only tell you that in one another's company for( my kingdom still holds its secrets), love grew. And after showing him the rest of Eden... I told him of my plan. He begged me, to save the tree, in which I almost denied him completely. He explained to me a way to save it...to take in its essence...


And I did, eating its roots and bark, after what seemed of hours of agony, I stood from the tree. My mind, opened wide to everything.

Taking on my dragon form, I allowed Tiomate to sit on my back as I lit the land ablaze.


Tiomate and I returned to my cavern home, and for a short time he and I shared each others...private company. Then for a week, I recovered from the joining before we made our way to a mortal city.


I remember how shocked I was, to see mortals so out of tune with their environment, drowning out everything with so much noise and the smell that corrupted the very air I breathed. I was fearful of this new world...


But he was there with me the whole time, easing me into the world....

But as I said before... all things come to an end... Tiomate had to leave my side, taking with him something I had protected from the demons who hounded Eden for a long time. And that, is a secret only he and I shall know.


It wasn't till some time after Tiomate left me, that I discovered I bore his young. I at first...did not know what do...my mind in chaos...

However, an old ally found me. How gracious I was, and still am to this very moment.


Shapeless was a gypsy in the early Renaissance, gifted in the art of shape changing. Smart and kind as she was tricky, the only tell you would have that she was not the person you were looking at...was the gold tint in her eyes.

But mortal's bodies have limits, and the woman soon found hers....becoming nothing more then a black cloud with gold orbs for eyes.

She led me to her Master, a mage named Darek Richards. From there, I met...Melody...


Once human, this mage was quite effective using magic to manipulate sound around her. When her physical body was killed, I transferred her soul to a empty vessel...which happened to be a demoness advancing on our small group of three.

And then Morrigan.


Richard's mate, a dragon who had been living in the mortal realm since Atlantis had fallen into the sea.


She wandered from town to town after that, often staying for long periods to aid and heal the inhabitants. But often, she had to leave in fear of discovery of her true identity.

And as the world modernized, Morrigian just faded in to the backround of history...till she met her husband.

Darek Richards....


Richards as I call him, is a half breed, dragon-elf and human. Though I know little about his heritage, his blood is powerful. He is a council member in a Secret Society of Mages, helping fool the masses when fights between demons and mages become...noticeable.

After a few months in these three's company, my child was born.


Morgana came into the world smoothly, even though I was so weak from saving Melody from the grasp of the Grim; I spent most of my time taking care of her when I wasn't out doing my sacred duty. Teaching her everything I could...


For ten years, I continued. Doing what I was created to do, with only one reminder...


Of what I had I failed to do.


Rue's Lullaby (Hunger Games)

Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head, and close your eyes
And when they open, the sun will rise

Here it’s safe, and here it’s warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet–
–and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you.

Deep in the meadow, hidden far away
A cloak of leaves, a moonbeam ray
Forget your woes and let your troubles lay
And when again it’s morning, they’ll wash away

Here it’s safe, and here it’s warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet–
– and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you.

Here is the place where I love you.


Reignite (Lyrics by Malukah)

Hope can drown lost in thunderous sound
Fear can claim what little faith remains

But I carry strength from souls now gone
They won't let me give in...

I will never surrender
We'll free the Earth and sky
Crush my heart into embers
And I will reignite...
I will reignite

Death will take those who fight alone
But united we can break a fate once set in stone

Just hold the line until the end
Cause we will give them hell...

I will never surrender
We'll free the Earth and sky
Crush my heart into embers
And I will reignite...
I will reignite.

Ghost Assassin-Maduk Ft. Veela

"Hey commander, can you unplug me?
Just for a minute, I need some privacy."
Headset off and stretch her neck out
Down the rocks to her head's safe house

Yeah I remember it all
Bleed and shout out my calls
The air was so dusty
Her armor getting rusty
She found thoughts she never had
Her young ones were just as bad
She winced out her weapon

Hole in her heart, feel like a lady
Fingers apart, cold, rugged and waiting
"I can't believe it, Jim, how did you know where to find me?
I kept the feelings in and really thought it had cost me."
Drops in her goggles aren't of love
Something's really wrong and it feels awful
Even though her body's back to normal
She once was a villain and it's hiding in her soul

I don't want to know what she did
She is not who I am
At least that's what I thought
Now I'm second guessing
I can't put my gun down
My suit's getting heavy
Something wants to be released
Something dark inside me
Dark familiarity --
(Something dark inside me, dark familiarity) X3

She opened her eyes and watched the ruins
And thought of her life and love to lose
She shook out her lenses, they'd want her back soon
The moments alone becoming scarce and few
Sure she could fight but she's getting visions
Deeds that were unspeakable and personally did
She couldn't pose a threat to the ghost like this
He rescued her once, now it's her turn to save him

Yeah I remember it all
Bleed and shout out my calls
The air was so dusty
Her armor getting rusty
She found thoughts she never had
Her young ones were just as bad
She winced out her weapon

I don't want to know what she did
She is not who I am
At least that's what I thought
Now I'm second guessing
I can't put my gun down
My suit's getting heavy
Something wants to be released
Something dark inside me
Dark familiarity --
(Something dark inside me, dark familiarity)

The Circle
By Blackmore's Night
I've been here for a million years
Through the joy, through the tears
But when I am gone this will go on
And the circle starts again...

I've watched the mountains rise from dust
Saw the gold return to rust
I had cried when the oceans died
And the circle starts again...


I was here when the world began to turn
Kissed the sun as it started to burn
The whispering at the reckoning said
"The circle starts again"

The moon was rising from above
I caught her eye and thought it was love
But she turned her back, the sky went black
And the circle starts again...


I danced through castles made of stone
Walked the desert sands alone
In the midnight hour you feel the power
And the circle starts again...

Now the question falls to you, my friend
No begining has no end
Will we ever learn, will the world still turn,
Will the circle start again?


I am All of Me by Crush 40

I see no, hear no evil, black writing's on the wall
Unleashed a million faces, and one-by-one they fall
Black-hearted evil, Brave-hearted hero
I am all, I am all, I am

I... I... I... I am
Here we go, buddy, here we go, buddy
Here we go, here we go, buddy, here we go

Go ahead and try to see through me, do it if you dare
One step forward, two steps back, I'll be there
(One step forward, two steps back)

Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!

Can you see all of me?
Walk into my mystery
Step inside, and hold on for dear life

Do you remember me?
Capture you or set you free
I am all, and I am all of me
(I am, I am all of me)

I am! I am, I'm all of me
I am! I am, I'm all of me
I am! I am, I'm all of me
(Here we go)

I see and feel the evil, My hands will crush 'em all
You think you have the answers, I'll laugh and watch you fall
Black-hearted evil, Brave-hearted hero
I am all, I am all, I am

I... I... I... I am
Here we go, buddy, here we go, buddy
Here we go, here we go, buddy, here we go

Go ahead and try to see through me, do it if you dare
One step forward, two steps back, I'm here
(One step forward, two steps back)

Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!

Can you see all of me?
Walk into my mystery
Step inside, and hold on for dear life

Do you remember me?
Capture you or set you free
I am all, and I am all of me
(I am, I am all of me)

I am! I am, I'm all of me
I am! I am, I'm all of me
I am! I am, I'm all of me
(Here we go)

I am, I am everyone, everywhere
Anyhow, anyway, anywhere, anyday
I am, I am everyone, everywhere
Anyhow, anyway, anywhere, anyday

I am, I am, I am...
I am, I am, I am... I am!

Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!

Can you see all of me?
Walk into my mystery
Step inside, and hold on for dear life

Do you remember me?
Capture you or set you free
I am all, and I am all of me
(I am, I am all of me)

I am! I am, I'm all of me
I am! I am, I'm all of me
I am! I am, I'm all of me
(Here we go)
I am, I am, I'm all of me
(Here we go...)

I am, I am all of me

Member Since: Dec 17, 2009
Last Login: Dec 31, 2014
Times Viewed: 28,295

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Mar 03, 2024
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
Dec 01, 2023
9zwh-E1lc34-VUWe stand as one, though our paths are many.
Nov 09, 2023


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